Giovanni Padalino was born in 1881 in Foggia. He was lively, intelligent, generous, friendly and he had a good sense of humor.  He studied Medicine at the university of Naples.  He got a degree in Medicine and worked as a doctor at “Santa Croce” hospital in Fano.  He looked after people living in the area around the harbour and the railway station.  He had a big and rich family who owned a lot of land in Puglia.  He was the first of nine children but the only one to go to university.  He married Elda Rieti in 1909 and had three children.  Giovanni Padalino died in 1972 in Fano.  We remember Giovanni Padalino because he was a kind and brave man.  During the war, he risked his life to save a pregnant woman.    The child he saved was named Giovanni after him.  As a doctor he helped poor people and became famous because he didn't want any money from them.  He also created a hospital for them in  Fano.   This hospital became an important college called “Collegio dei Carissimi” that is  our  school today.   We are very happy and proud to be part of this school.




- Promote active, participative,  representative, responsible and supportive citizenship as a fundamental part of the students education.

- Learn about and comply with the main principles and ideas of the Italian Constitution, of the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and  the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

- Organize social events where the students are the main protagonists in the development of an active and creative citizenshi.

- Promote effective and long-lasting interaction between schools and public institutions through common events and best practice

- Educate students to a deep awareness of civil rights values.

- Guide and involve students in positive conducts and behaviours, emotions, social and institutional relations, by investing learners with responsibilities and by offering them the right opportunities to grow in  social surroundings regulated by duties and rights.


- Supervision, coordination and editing of  the school magazine

- Organizing and managing events aimed at promoting awareness of the values of peace, of communal life and solidarity

- Welcoming activities for students of the first classes

- Listening and taking care of students’ needs and referring and discussing matters with the Headmaster

- Meetings with the Town Councillor in charge of Municipal Education

- Co-operation with the international project “Fano Città dei Bambini” (“Fano - The City of Children”)  and with the Children’s Council.

- Planning, coordination and organization of all stages of the elections for the members of the Consulta of the School ( Students’ School Council).




Art. 3 - All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.

Art. 11 - Italy rejects war as an instrument of aggression against the freedom of other peoples and as a means for the settlement of international disputes. Italy agrees, on conditions of equality with other States, to the limitations of sovereignty that may be necessary to a world order ensuring peace and justice among the Nations.  Italy promotes and encourages international organisations having such ends.

The Constitution represents for us a compass: it is a society model and educate us to solidarity with the weakest people.  We are not only Italian citizens, but also European ones and of the world.  We have to put into practice the articles 3 and 11 of the Constitution trying to achieve a global citizenship based on peace construction.